Three letters that may make every Canadian richer


Today I found an absolutely exciting website. It belongs to the “BC Refederation Party”. Their web page is fantastic. Some of their questions are as follow:

“Did you know that the Quebec Resolutions which created Ottawa in 1867 forbade the new central government to collect any direct tax? Income tax was to be paid only to the provinces.”

“Now today there is a lawful way for the province of BC to keep and use all income tax raised in BC.  But In the meantime Ottawa gives BC income tax money to AdscamQuebec and Quebec has money to buy out BC businesses.  Let’s connect the dots.  Are BC folks asleep?”

“The Ottawa Adscam is peanuts compared to the Ottawa Taxscam.  The provinces existed before the central government did.  The provinces never gave the central government the power of direct taxation. The central government was explicitly forbidden to collect a direct tax.  Every cent of income tax over the years should have been paid to the provinces, not to the central government.”

“The National Citizens Coalition who gave permission to print the above few items, asks, ‘What can you do?’ BC Refed replies, “Join the country’s only political party that questions Ottawa’s authority to tax British Columbians and waste the taxes. Think BC Refed. Where is the provincial Liberal or NDP plan to correct this Ottawa corruption?  Why vote Liberal or NDP?”


All these questions make a lot of sense not only in British Columbia but in every province. Why do we have a federal government that is choking every Canadian? How has the federal Cabinet arrived to this privileged status where they control and ignore Parliament, the laws of Canada, and are trying to rule the Supreme Court of Canada as well by unlawful conspiracies, money extortion, pressure, manipulation, intimidation and terror? They have corrupted the court administration system of the Federal Court and the Federal Court of Appeal, rendering those courts virtually useless. If the independence of those judges cannot be restored, the most reasonable way would be to abolish both the Federal Court and the Federal Court of Appeal. After all, the supreme courts of our provinces and territories are unable to perform the same role very well, independently and impartially.


Fortunately, during the last few days, Canadians finally saw the end of the terror tunnel. The recent decision of the Supreme Court of Canada, regarding the invalid appointment of Justice Marc Nadon by the Prime Minister, is a very encouraging sign. The top of Canada’s pyramid of power seemed to have been paralyzed for years. Finally, the Supreme Court has demonstrated that a virtually unanimous panel of the supreme judges remained impartial and unbiased. They still feel a responsibility for the country and the future of each citizen by enforcing the laws of Canada. In light of Mr. Harper’s endless power grab and dictatorship, the verdict is a milestone decision. (There was a single disagreement, that of Justice Moldaver -- who was in a similar boat -- previously appointed as Mr. Harper's favourite.)  

This would be an ideal time to form refederation parties in every province. Their candidates could certainly win the majority of votes everywhere. The wishes of every Canadian are basically the same: they want to keep more of the monies that they are earning by hard work, instead of keep pouring those billions of dollars in Ottawa's holy pockets. The whole Canada looks like the "yin and yang" symbol of the ancient Chinese - also depicted in the Korean flag - that represents the eternal fight of light and darkness. In our case, using an astronomical comparison, Ottawa is a dark hole. It has such a huge mass that it sucks in everything valuable, from your pockets and mine. In astronomy, such black holes have such power that do not even allow a single beam of light to escape. In politics, Ottawa's power is increasing daily, sucking out all your hopes and your last pennies from your pockets.

Returning to the wishes of every Canadian, they apparently want a Québec that is not a burden on their shoulders. Obviously, an increased independence of Québec could be a solution. On the other hand, if Canadians would grant more power and independence for that province, they should grant more power and independence for EACH PROVINCE!

From Québec's point of view, the 18 February court order (2014 FCA 47)* is extremely important. Namely, the said FCA order allows any party - including Québec or any province - to "threaten" the rest of Canada in any context, by using the word "may" in relation to any future hypothetical policy decision, including a referendum. In other words, should any province, party, or political leader declare officially any proposed future change (perhaps for more sovereign rights against Ottawa) expressed by the word "may", that would not be illegal in Canada. As the next step after the elections, a province or a provincial assembly could state, "Our province may hold a referendum regarding our total independence from the Supreme Court of Canada. Our province may keep an increasing percentage of the collected taxes, instead of transferring those monies to Ottawa," etc.
Say, a political leader could promise for the voters that after his or her election, the Supreme Court of his/her province "may not" recognize the supremacy of the Supreme Court of Canada in certain cases. Further, he or she could promise that, say, in the first year 10% of the province's taxes would not be sent to Ottawa but certain social groups of that province would get those tax monies back. In the second year the rate would be 20%, in the third year 30%, etc. Thus, the population of the province could become richer in each year while Ottawa's oppression would gradually decrease. Eventually, the federal authorities in Ottawa may become an advisory board without too much power, something like the United Nations in New York, or, the British Commonwealth. Of course, the provincial leaders would formally remain loyal to both Canada and the Province (say Québec) because there would not be any sudden change or step that could be punishable by law. The magic word "may" would be able to navigate the province lawfully towards virtual independence while the province could maintain the Canadian dollar (until the Ottawa dollar would collapse and each province-country would establish its own currency like in the case of Yugoslavia or the Soviet Union). Later, the provinces could form a new confederation in which the powers of the federal cabinet, if any, would be strictly defined and limited.
[After the election, the candidates who were elected must be sworn in by the Secretary General of the Assembly before they can take their seat in the Assembly in Québec; they take two oaths, one for Canada and one for Québec.]
In the rest of Canada, the majority of Anglophones seem to be happy with Mr. Harper's dictatorship. They would hate the attitude of the Québécois nation for her continued "blackmailing" as they conceive it. So why do not the politicians of Québec appear in different light as the saviors of Canada's lost democracy? In reality, let alone the Supreme Court of Canada, Québec is the only major force in the country that may be able to restore the principles of a free and democratic society. When Québec joined Dominion Canada they had no intention to join a miserable totalitarian dictatorship but a free and democratic country. 
A united Québec could not lose much by such political movement, only her chains. The secret key is the vague word "may" that would enable any province to obtain more independence from a collapsing and corrupt conservative regime. If Ottawa is utilizing vagueness, confusion and endless legal controversies in the federal policies, the provinces should fight back by the same weapon of a legal vagueness. Québec is a reasonable nation within a confused nation. Perhaps her Supreme Court should not be subject to the Supreme Court of Canada that is controlled or blocked by a quasi-fascist regime through the Registrar’s person. If the Supreme Court of Canada cannot terminate the puppet rule of the Registrar who is usurping their power, the present time-frame (of the Harper dictatorship) is an ideal time for Québec to achieve more sovereignty or more separation. Of course, the same is valid to any province. Perhaps if British Columbia and Québec would simultaneously sever some ties with Ottawa and gain more financial independence, the Cabinet may wake up from its "sleeping beauty" stage and return some powers to the rest of the provinces.

If the corruption, conspiracies, and other oppressing torts constantly radiating from the Cabinet in Ottawa are beyond repair, as Canada's terminal cancer, there are other means to save the lives of our citizens by restructuring the country without the conspirators. Namely, further powerful three-letter words start to act as a default mechanism, mentioned in the first sentence of the Charter: "God" and "law."

You may say, "It would be impossible to make each Canadian richer and happier at the same time." Well, you may be right but also may be wrong, since I excluded the upper class "honourable tortfeasors" or "conspirators" of Ottawa from the term "Canadian." Let us compare Canada and Ottawa to Italy and the Vatican. Both are happy states while Italy surrounds the tiny Vatican. Similarly, a small Republic of Ottawa may be able to survive by selling their dream or belief of power and superiority. They may build a museum where millions of tourists would leave their monies just to see the office desk or personal items of a dictator that had changed Canada's face so profoundly and irreparably. Also, every Canadian province - as states in the future - may allow each person or firm do donate monies to Ottawa, on a voluntary basis, just like tax-free charitable donations for churches of any religion. The conservatives may donate half of their income to that future "republic of Ottawa." Further, the freemasons also maintain an organization all over the world, without taxpayers. Freemasonry, as it exists in various forms all over the world, has a membership estimated by the United Grand Lodge of England at around six million worldwide. Another example is the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement that is able to survive without taxpayers, only by donations and 97 million volunteers.

Thus, such small republic may survive in Ottawa. Or, perhaps the people of Ontario would be willing to pay most of the present contributions of the provinces in order to maintain Ottawa's power somehow. It could become the capital of an independent Ontario.

As for the three major political parties (conservative, liberal, and NDP), none of their leaders seem to promise any change regarding the reduction of Ottawa's powers. That may mean that any future leader elected of those three parties in 2015 could further increase the present oppression (in any extreme political direction) and grant even more power to Ottawa as today. Canadians are quite unpredictable in this sense, so the leadership race is wide open.

Returning to the magic three-letter word "may" we find at section 11. of the Interpretation Act (1985): The expression “shall” is to be construed as imperative and the expression “may” as permissive. Thus, if we say that one day honest Canadians "may" defeat the conspiracies of the honourable tortfeasors we mean, "Yes, together we can!"

Not a dull moment in Canadian politics! 


Note for the asterisk (*): For the said court order of 2014 please refer to the website, namely to


By Zoltan Andrew Simon (64), posted on March 25, 2014.