Toltec - Chichimec chronology
The end of the Fourth Sun in the Toltec–Chichimec tradition: a major solar eclipse in Tula (Hidalgo State) on 30 March A.D. 1131, at 6:10 in local time, 3°52’23” above the horizon. In that hour, the evil Tecpoyotl killed the remnants of Tula’s population, sacrificing them to the Sun. This ended the last age, a period of 682 years.
The end of the Second Sun in the Toltec tradition: a solar eclipse in Tula (Hidalgo State) on 21 February 180 BC. The eclipsed Sun, at 5:54 p.m. in local time, stood around 1.2 degrees above the horizon. A hurricane in those days meant the effective end of their second age that lasted for 530 years. This interval is depicted by ten large and ten small circles in the Codex Vaticanus 3738.
TOLTEC-CHICHIMEC CHRONOLOGY (Zoltan A. Simon, Red Deer, 2013)
Dates [approximate] | Event,
or name of ruler (Toltec or Chichimec) | Notes and details | Source | 6
August 1240 BC | The beginning of the First Sun of the Toltecs [Year 10 Reed in Caso] | A total eclipse of the sun in Tula, c. 45 degrees above the horizon | Codex Vaticanus 3738 (see the FAMSI web site) | 1240–713 BC | An interval of 528 years |
| Codex Vaticanus 3738 (see the FAMSI web site) | 28 September 713 BC | The
end of the First Sun of the Toltecs. The beginning of the Second Sun [Year 5 Reed in Caso] | A solar eclipse in Tula, c. 1.3 degrees above the horizon, with a magnitude of 71.4% |
Codex Vaticanus 3738 (see the FAMSI web site) | 713 – 180 BC | An interval of 530 years | | Codex Vaticanus 3738 (see the FAMSI web site) | 21 February 180 BC | The end
of the Second Sun of the Toltecs. The beginning of the Third Sun [Year 4 Reed in Caso] | A solar eclipse in Tula, c. 1.2 degrees above the horizon, with a magnitude of 36% | Codex
Vaticanus 3738 (see the FAMSI web site) | 180 BC to AD 450 | An interval of 628 years |
| Codex Vaticanus 3738 (see the FAMSI web site) | 27 April 450 | The end of the Third Sun
of the Toltecs. Beginning of the fourth sun. [Year 10 House in Caso] | A solar eclipse in Tula, c. X degrees above the horizon, with a magnitude of 92% | Codex
Vaticanus 3738 (see the FAMSI web site) | 450 – 1131 | An interval of 682 years | |
Codex Vaticanus 3738 (see the FAMSI web site) | 1046 | Death of Tlilcoatzin (Toltec king) | In a year 9 Rabbit; [A.D. 994, according to Bierhorst] | Codex Chimalpopoca (Bierhorst 1992, 38) | 1064 | Huemac, the last Toltec king, sacrificed a man at Cincoc. Dispersion | In a year 1 Flint; [A.D. 1064 in Bierhorst] | Codex Chimalpopoca (Bierhorst
1992, 41) | 1070 | Great famine. The human sacrifices began in masses | In a year 7 Rabbit; [A.D. 1018 in
Bierhorst] | Codex Chimalpopoca (Bierhorst 1992, 38-39) | 1070 | Destruction of the Toltec Empire
| Death of Huemac, the last Toltec king [1070 in Bierhorst] | Codex Chimalpopoca (Bierhorst 1992, 42); Clavigero 1806: 118 assumed A.D. 1052. |
1070-1080 | Tollan is deserted for eleven years; or, only for five [see Ixtlilxochitl?] | A gap of eleven years. Or,
a gap of five years [1070-1075] | See below | 1080 | Arrival of the first Chichimecs, under
Xolotl, eleven years after the destruction of the Toltecs | This interval above should correctly refer to the eleventh year | Clavigero [YEAR?], p. 90, based on Torquemada
| 1080-1120 | Xolotl ruled for more than 40 years. He died in an advanced age. | He was born in c. 1040 and died
in c. 1120, maybe at the age of 80. | Clavigero ??? | 1103 | The Chalca left Xicco so 1116 or 1168 for their
leaving Aztlan is incorrect | In a year 1 Reed; [A.D. 1051 in Bierhorst] CHECK!! | Codex Chimalpopoca (Bierhorst 1992, 39) |
1120-1152 | Nopaltzin ruled for 32 years | He was born in c. 1070, died c. 1152 |
| 30 March 1131 | This event was the end of the Fourth Sun for the remnants of the Tolteca-Chichimeca population of Tula. | Solar eclipse in Tula at c. 3.9 degrees above the horizon, with a magnitude of 95%. | Texpayotl and the Mexica killed practically every Chichimec in Tula, sacrificing them for the sun during a solar
eclipse. | c. 1150 | Accession of king Tezozomoc (I), son of Acolhuatzin | | [Z. A. Simon’s assumption] | 1181 | Death of Tezozomoc (I) | In the same year the Mexica
sacrificed Copil | Codex Mexicanus (and Codex Aubin?) | 1152-1188 | Tlotzin, Nopaltzin’s son,
ruled for 36 years; born in c. 1110, died c. 1188 | Tlotzin was a teenage boy in 1121. | Clavigero? | 1188-1247
| Quinatzin the Elder ruled for 60 years. He was born in c. 1175, died c. 1247 | His wife was Chimalxoch, sister of Huitzilihuitl I. Quinatzin`s son, Tlatzanatztoc [‘Rattling
of the Reeds’] was born in 1243] | For the events and the years 1240-1247 refer to Bierhorst 1992, 48 and 55 | Note: As for the four ageas or intervals, each of the large,
pineapple-shaped circles represent 52 years (not 400) while the small circles actual years. The early European archaeologists or historians may have consulted about the codex with a Mayan informant that assumed the record - the large circles -
as expressed in Maya ages or baktuns. Statistically is very unlikely that all the four ages consisted of a certain number of baktuns (almost 400 years each) while none of them contained any katun (of almost 20 years).
Codex Aubin | Tira de la peregrinación (Codex Boturini) | Codex Vaticanus
A (3738) | Codex Telleriano-Remensis | Codex Chimalpopoca (Bierhorst 1992) Shown
as ‘B.’ below | Codex Ramírez | Sigüenza Map (itinerary
history) | | | |
| Beginning of the Fifth Sun: a total eclipse in Aztlan in a year 13-Reed [on August 31, AD 1011] | Deluge in
a year 1 Rabbit, perhaps AD 986 or 934 | | |
| | | At the end of the fourth Sun, there was water for 52 years;
maybe from August 1011 to March 1064. (Bier- horst 1992, 143.) | 1116 or 1064 (?) 130 years after the deluge, 40 bands of the Mexica leave Azcla (Aztlan) and [Teo]Colhuacan in a year 1 Flint |
| 1064 They leave Aztlan – Tonanicacan (Year 1 Flint, pp. 3-4) | 1064
They leave Aztlan (Year 1 Flint, Folio 1) | [Missing] | [Missing] | They left Aztlan in a year 1 Flint (Bier-horst 1992, 158)
| 1064 [assumed date]: Migration begins, on the road | | 1064 Fallen tree [in Tamoanchan that
was east of the Mississippi River, maybe in Florida] 1065-1076 and 1077-1091 [Teo]Co(hu)atepetl =[Divine] Snake Hill [the Great Serpent Mound in Ohio] (12+15
years, pp. 6-7) | 1064 The stars appeared in the sky at Tamoanchan [in Florida; the solar eclipse of 19 April 1064] 1065 Omoslacatl? (hill of the weeping man) (Folio
5) 1065-1092 [Divine or Teo]Coatepec; 1091 New Fire (28 years, Folios 5-6) | 1091 They leave Chicomoztoc (seven caves
with seven tribes) in a year 1 Reed; also a New Fire ceremony (Folio 66v) 1092 Matepetl 1093 Cactepetl (Folio 66v) |
[Missing page] | 1090 The Mexitin set out from Aztlan [Aztalan in Ohio?]; (Bierhorst 1992, 43) The dates of their arrivals are shown below. 1091 Cuahuitlicacan
1095 Tepetlimona- miquiyan (where mountains come together) | 1065-1066 Between two lofty mountains 1067 Quausticaca (Cuahuitlicacan, a valley of pine trees)
1068-1076 Chicom- oztoc (seven caves); They laid the place waste when leaving; Tlacuxquin, Mança-moyagual and Mina-queciguatle were born. | 1091
Tying of the years at Colhuacan (curved mountain): the ancestors of fifteen chiefs begin their journey | | | 1094-1100 Tezuac-tepetl, Ayavalulco & Tonanicaca, Culhua-can, Puchutla, Toto-tepetl. Huitzilo-pochtli is leader (7 years, Folio 67r) 1101-1110 Tlacavaçal-tepetl, Maxungte(?),
Tentutepetl, Pantepetl; from Mechuaca to Tlatoltepetl (10 years, Folio 67v) 1111-1120 hunting: Tlacaxupantepetl, Huehuetepetl, Xilo-tepetl, Tzompango, Coacalco, Ecatepetl (10 years, Folio 68r) | 1094-1100 Tezuac-tepetl, Ayavalulco & Tonanicaca, Culhua-can, Puchutla, Toto-tepetl. Huitzilo-pochtli is leader (7 years, Folio 25r) 1101-1110 Tlacavaçal-tepetl, Maxungte(?), Tentutepetl,
Pantepetl; from Michoacan to Tlatoltepetl (10 years, Folio 25v) 1111-1120 hunting: Tlacaxupantepetl, Huehuetepetl, Xilo-tepetl, Tzompango, Coacalco, Ecatepetl (10 years, Folio 26r) | 1101 Tepetlmaxaliu-hyan (Where Mountains Divide: maybe the Great Continental Divide in the Rocky Mountains) 1110 Coatlyayauhcan 1114
Zacatepec (grass hill) 1118 Tematlahuacalco 1122 Coatepec [Coatepetl] | 1077-1079 Cuatlicamat = Coatli-camac (Coatepec) 1080-1082
Matlauacala 1083-1087 In an Otomi land 1088-1097 [Teo?] Coatepec where Huitzilopochtli was born, after four years, in 1091. Or, he appeared as an adult. (Maybe his avatar, an usurper.)
| 1092-1111 Tollan or Tula (reeds) (20 years, page 8) | 1093-1111 Tollan or Michoacan? (reeds and fish
in a lake) (19 years, Folio 7) | 1121-1130 Coatepetl, Xochitepetl, Tezcuco [Tetzcoco], battles (10 years, Folio 68v) | 1121-1130
Coatepetl, Xochitepetl, Tezcuco [Tetzcoco], battles (10 years, Folio 26v) | 1132 Chimalcotitlan 1136 [missing name, maybe Cuauhtitlan] 1146
Tollan (Tula) | 1098-1100 Chimal- coque (Chimakoquc) 1101-1103 Ensicox [“en Xicoc?”] 1104-1115 Tlemaco near Tula [Tollan] | 1104 (water pot with bird); Tying 13 years, temple burnt. A version gives Aztlan by error | 1112-1122 Atlitlayacyan (waterfall)
(11 years, page 9A) | 1112-1121 Atlitlayacyan (waterfall) (10 years, Folio 8) | 1131-1140 Pantepetl, Ayavalulco, Tezcatepetl, etc.: battles
(10 years, Folio 69r) | 1131-1140 Pantepetl, Ayavalulco, Tezcatepetl, etc.: battles (10 years, Folio 27r) | 1150 Atlitlalaquiyan, Tequixquiac, Apazco,
Citlaltepec (Bierhorst 1992, 47) [Duran, p. 28 agrees with many of these.] An old lady selling banners (Bierhorst 1992, 156; also Graulich 1997, 234) | 1116-1117 (A)tlitla-
laquian 1118-31 Tula/Tollan 1122 An old lady starts selling banners for men to sacrifice. Tecpoyotl kills all of the Chichimecs of |
Acahuala cave with tying 13 years (1117?) 1118-1127 Zincotlan (cooking corn) 1130 Tying of 13 years | 1123-1127 Tlemaco (incense burner)
(5 years, page 9B) | 1122-1126 Tlemaco (incense burner) (5 years, Folios 8-9) | | | | Tula during the solar eclipse of 30 March 1131 (m=94.7%) | ? -1137 Tocolco (humiliation) |
1128-1131 Atotonilco (flowing water) (4 years, page 10A) | 1127-1131 Atotonilco (hot water pot) (5 years, Folio 9) |
| | | 1131 Atotoniltengo 1132-1135 Tecuzquiciac or Tequizquiac (4 years) | 1138-1142 Oztotlan (5) (cave place) | 1132-1143 Apazco, now Apaxco (bent mountain with full clay vessel) (12 years, page 10B) | 1132-1143 Apazco or Apaxco (place where the water drains) (12 years, Folios 9-10) | 1141-1150 Coatepetl, Teçontepetl, Piazcontepetl (battles) (10 years, Folio
69v) | 1141-1150 Coatepetl, Teçontepetl, Piazcontepetl (battles) (10 years, Folio 27v) | |
1136-1143 (?) Apazco (x years) | 1143 Tying of the years; Mizquiahuala 1143-1157 (Mt.) Calpan | 1144-1147
Tzompanco or Zumpango (skull rack) (4 years, page 11A) | 1144-1147 Tzompanco (skull rack) (4 years, Folio 10) |
| | | 1144-1147 Tzom- panco. Tlacizcal Potonqui sacrificed. Tlahuiz-potonca-tzin
was the father[-in-law] of Huitzilihuitl the Elder. See Bierhorst 1992, 48] | 1158-1162 Tetepanco (5) 1163-1172 Oxitipan (10), south of Ciuadad Valles | 1148-1151 Atzcapotzalco (ant-hill) (4 years, page 11B) | 1148-1151 Atzcapotzalco (ant-hill) (4 years, Folio 11) | 1151-1160
Coaonepantepetl (?), Texcala (Tlascala), Yxcuepaliztepetl, Vixa(ch)tit(l)an (battles) (10 years, Folio 70r) | 1151-1160 Coaonepantepetl (?), Texcala (Tlascala), Yxcuepaliztepetl, Vixa(ch)tit(l)an
(battles) (10 years, Folio 28r) | 1155 Cuauhtitlan 1155-64 Citlaltepec and Tzompanco, for ten years
| 1148-1154 Tlilac (7 years) 1155 Qua(uh)titlan 1151/2 Huitzilihuitl the Elder=Humming- bird Feather ‘0’ was born in Tizayocan
while they were trekking between Tzompango and Tolpetlac. [See Clavigero YEAR; also Ramirez 2001, 259] | 1173-1176 Teotzapotlan (place of the divine zapote fruits, 4 years,
now Zaachila) 1177-1180 Ilhuacatepec: Sky darkened [Solar eclipse of 99% magni-tude on 31 March 1177] | 1152-1155
Acalhuacan (canoe+water) (4 years, page 12A) | 1152-1155 Acalhuacan (canoe with paddle; canoe place) (4 years, Folio 11) | | | [1171: Achitometl inaugurated in Colhuacan. He died in 1185. Refer to Bierhorst 1992, 45.] | 1156 Ecatepec |
1181-1182 Papantla (big- leaved grass) [in Vercruz] 1183-1187 Tzompanco | 1156-1159 Ehecatepec (wind hill) (4 years, page 12B) | 1156-1159 Ecatepec or Ehecatepec (wind hill) (4 years, Folio 12) | | | 1165 Ecatepec
(wind hill) | 1157 Nepopoalco or Nepohualco: Census. (Nahualtzin, Tenatzin and Chiautototl move to Malinalco) | 1188-1191 Apazco 1192-1193
Atlitlalacyan | 1160-1167 Tolpetlac (rush mat place) (8 years, page 13A) | 1160-1167 Tolpetlac (reed mat place) (8 years, Folios 12-13)
| 1161-1170 A major battle, many severed bodies and limbs (10 years, Folio 70v) | 1161-1170 A major battle at Tequepa-yuca (Tecpayocan); severed
bodies and limbs (10 years, Folio 28v) | 1172 Tolpetlac 1176 Chiquiuhtepe-tlapan Tecpayocan | Mount Tlatlatevique
near Chimalpa 1168-1171 (?) Cuatitlan for 4 years | 1193-1195 [3 years that should be rather two] Quauhtitlan (eagle rock) |
1168-1187 Cohuatitlan (snake stone place) (20 years, pp. 13B–14A) | 1168-1187 Cohuatitlan (snake Stone place) (20 years, Folios 13-14) Men come from Chalco to an agave
plantation and make pulque between 1172 and 1187 | 1171-1190 Copil, or two persons, are stoned or sacrificed in a lake (or maybe at Ayahualulco). A king Tezozomoc (“Lava Face”) of Atzcapotzalco was
born/acceeded (?) (20 years, 71r) | [Missing pages here: a gap of 110+52 years, from 4 Reed to 9 Flint, that is between A.D. 1171 and 1332.] | | 1172 (?) Visachichitlan (now the suburb of Santiago) Teopulco: census | (Huitzilihuitl I leaves
them in 1194) 1195 Tying the years 1195-1201 (?) Xaltocan (7) | 1188-1191 Huixachtitlan or Vixachtitlan (acacia or mimosa
on the rock) (4 years, page 14B) | 1188-1191 Huixachtitlan (little plant, apparently mimosa, on a hill) (4 years, Folio 14) | 1191-1194
During the reign of Coatzin (?), or Snake Lord, the Mexica lost their [first] battle at Chapultepec (1194) (4 years, Folio 71v) | |
| Tenayucan (where Tepayuca or Tehayuco died) Tlotzin is ruling here | 1201 Chalco (precious stones)
| 1192-1195 Tecpayocan (flint knife place) (4 years, page 15A) 1195: Battle and New Fire. (Tecpatzin, Huitzilihuitzin, Neyelmatl, Intetepantzin)
| 1192-1195 Tecpayocan (flint knife hill): Battle in 1195: Brick Wall, Hummingbird Feather ‘0’ and Flint Knife (Tecpatzin) are shown (died?). (4 years, Folio 14)
| | [Note: “Brick Wall” dies in 1220 in the Codex Mexicanus] | 1186 Tepeyacac | 1172-1180 (?) Tepexaquilla (9 years) 1181-1184 (?) A hot water place, now El Peñolcillo (4 years) Chapultepec
| 1202 Pantitlan (flag rock) 1202-1203 Tolpetlac (2) 1203 Epco- huac (burning snake place) 1204-1205 Quauhtepec |
1196-1199 Pantitlan (flag rock place) (4 years, page 15B) | 1196-1199 Pantitlan (a weak or sick man is shown in 1199). (4 years, Folio 15) |
| | | Tlachetongo (Tluchitongo) Aqualcomaz (near the
Tinguez or Marketplace) | [1206-1213] Chicomoztoc [seven caves, apparently a wrong entry] | 1200-1207 Amalinalpan (wet hay flag)
They are vassals of Tezozomoctli (shown with a red bird as a head ornament) of Atzcapotzalco (8 years, page 16A) | 1200-1207 Amalinalpan: Atl-malinalli (water hay – dead grass – flag place): an
early ruler of Atzcapotzalco, named “volcanic rock face” (Tezozo-moctli?), depicted at 1201 or 1207 (8 yrs., Folios 15-16) | [One or two folios – two or four pages
– are missing from this codex covering the period between A.D. 1195 and 1246, from year 2 Reed to 1 Rabbit.] | [Note here from the Codex Mexicanus: Tezozomoc and Copil shown near each other in a year
1 House: A.D. 1181] | 1138: The Tlaca-huan Chalca arrives to Xicco (Bierhorst 1992, 72) | Vetetlan Ixocan (which is the road of Cuyacan) Tenculuacan
(a place making salt) Mountain Tepetocan (near Cuyoacan) Ciaxuhilat (Vichilat or Vchilobusco) | 1206-1208 Huitzquilocan (place of thistles)
1209-1212 (Pot on a mat and water, for 4 years) | 1208-1211 Pantitlan (flag rock place) (4 years, page 16B)
| Pantitlan (flag rock place) 1208-1211 (4 years, Folio 16) | | |
1189 Pantitlan (flag rock place) [Without year] Then they withdrew to Popotlan Acolna-huac | c. 1184 Culuacan, where the ruler was Achitometl
[died in 1185, see Bierhorst 1992, 45] Mount Visachitla near Ixtapalapa 1184-1186 (?) Quesumalc (3 years) | 1213-1216 Xaltepozauh-can (where the sand issues)
1217-1220 Cozcacuauhco (vulture place) | 1212-1215 Acolnahuac (water-hand place) (4 years, page 17A) | 1212-1215 Acolnahuac
(smok-ing arm in water) (4 years, Folios 16-17) | | | Popotlan Acolnahuac (see above) |
1186? Capulco 1187 Tacuxcalco: general assembly. Their chiefs: Xinteça, Caley and Escualt. | | Popotlan
(where straws are bundant) 1216-1219 (4 years, page 17B) | Popotlan [bunch of reed-like plants] 1216-1219 (4 years, Folio 17) | | | Popotlan (see above) | 1187-1190 Dispersal for 4 years then all are reunited at Cacaquipa |
| 1220-1223 Techcatitlan (marble rock for carving) (4 years, page 18A) A ruler named Tenochtli is shown at
year 2 House. | 1220-1223 Techcatitlan (trapeze-shaped object that is tied) (4 years, Folios 17-18) |
| | [Note* for the next column on the right: he is Tlahuizpoton-catzin
in Bierhorst 1992: 48. In another source he is a son of Nezahualtemocatzin] | Chapultepec where they captured Copil 1191-1206 Chapultepec for 15 years: Acipa, son of Çipayia-vichiliutl,
son of Tlauizcal Poton-gui*; they chose this latter as their ruler, for 15 years. This [Huitzilihuitl] had two daughters (Tuzcasuch and Chimalasuch) | 1220-1224 Techcatitlan
(stone carving place) 1225-1228 Azcaxochic. (ant flowers) 1229-1233 Tepetlapan (stone mat flag place) 1233 Apan. (water place) | Atlacuivayan or Atlacuihuayan (place where water is caught, now Tacubaya) 1224-1227 (4 years, page 18B) | Atlacuihuayan or Tacubaya (a hand holding a hook-shaped tool or ruling
symbol) 1224-1227 (4 years, Folio 18) | | | Huitzilihuitl “0” is mentioned as the father of Chimala-xoch
(Shield Water Flower), sister of Huitzilihuitl I (Bierhorst 1992, 48) | 1206-1240 Another 9 + 25 years passed in peace while Huitzilihuitl the Younger governed them |
1234-1239 Teozomaco (place of divine apes) | Chapultepec (Grasshopper Hill) 1228-1247 (20 years, pp.
19A – 19B) | Chapultepec (grasshopper hill); Lost battle in 1247, then the Aztecs cry while hiding in the reeds. 1228-1247 (20 years, Folios 18-19) | | | 1194 Chapoltepec. These Mexica had been at Chapoltepec for 47 years, see B. 1992: 53. It fits the
period between A.D. 1194 and 1240. 40 years in Chapol-tepec (Bierhorst 1992, 158) | 1240 The people of Xaltocan captured the two daughters of Huitzilihuitl the Elder. Huitzilihuitl
the Younger was captured as well, then executed. The Mexica took refuge among the canebrakes | 1240-1243 Chapultepec: Three men bleeding without heads and a deer
cut In pieces (battle); three families are hiding in the reeds. | 1247 The Mexica lost a battle at Chapultepec against the Tepaneca and the Colhua; also New Fire ceremony
(Page 19B) | | | | 1240 The Mexica lost their [second] battle
at Chapulte-pec in a year 8 Flint when King Huitzili-huitl I and his sisters became captives in Colhuacan (Bier- horst 1992, 47-54) | Coautliquezçi (high priest) is mentioned
Achitome(t)l was lord of Culuacan, and Chalchiutlatonac the chieftain | 1244-1247 Water square or pool (Tizaapan or Acocolco?) 1247 Tying of the
years | 1247? – without year*: Huitzilihuitl I and his sister Chimalaxoch as captives (of Colhuacan?). (Page 20A) *Note: this event depicted may belong to the previous,
missing, page of the codex, to A.D. 1240. | 1247? Colhuacan: Huitzilihuitl and his sister Chimalaxoch are captured and are taken to its king whose name is a bird with standing feathers. [They were captured
in 1240 but the chronicler had no room to depict it previously.] 1248-1251 The last Year shown is 6 Reed (4 years, Folio 20) | 1247-1255 After the battle,
Huitzilihuitl (I) the Yonger and his two sisters, all as naked captives, are taken to the king of Colhuacan [Coxcox]. Huitzilihuitl (I) is executed shortly. Chimalaxoch is shown at the left-hand side of the drawing, next to Tuzcaxoch. (9
years, Folio 72r) | | 1240-1243 Captivity in Contitlan [Colhuacan] for 4 years.
1243 King Chalchi-uhtlatonac of Colhuacan sent them against Xochimilco. | 1240-1265 25 years under the domination of Culhuacan.
| 1247-1251 Contitlan (5 years; a jar is oppressing a man?) 1251 A battle is depicted, also a burning temple [maybe
that of Xochimilco?] | Colhuacan (Curved Mountain) and Contitlan 1248-1251 (4 years, page 20B) | Folio 21 depicts the ruler of Xochimilco
captured and his ear cut off, taken to the “Pheasant King” [Coxcox]. The Mexica rape the Xochimilcan women in their houses. | | [Durán refers
to king Achitometl whose daughter was flayed. Then the Colhua expelled the Mexica from Tizaapan. The latter retreated to the water.] (1244-1245?) | The Mexica clipped off one ear of each captive in Xochimilco. 1244
or 1245 The Mexica are allowed to settle in Tizaapan (chalk water or white water) | [1243] While they lived at Tizaapan, ten Mexica were sent against the Xochimilcans. They cut off the ears of eighty Xochimilcans
in the war. | 1252-1261 A hook-shaped object (arm?) with corn; a pyramid temple is built (10 years) | 1251 ? without year Text: Chimalcoltzintli
(?), four persons as prisoners, rowing (?) (Pages 21-22) | 1251 ? without year The Mexica walk away, holding their knives, while singing or speaking. This is the last scene (Folio 22)
| 1256-1283 Tlachco? The Mexica sitting and chatting; a ball court (tlachco) is depicted (28 years, Folio 72v) | | 1246 The Mexica kept making troubles so the Colhua gave them a battle. (Bier-horst 1992, 55) Tezcatl Teuctli [b. 1243, ruled 1247-1286], son of Chima-laxoch and Quinatzin the Elder (Bierhorst 1992, 48-57) |
1265 At the end of the aforesaid twenty-five years, the Mexica built a temple in Tizaapan. The Culuacans threw straw and filthy things into it. | 1262-1271 A
ball court is shown, maybe they built one. 1272-1281 Cornfields (?) 1282-1291 Grey buildings, a battle in this period (1273?) |
1252 Mexicatzinco (Acatzitzintlan?) (1 year, page 23A) | |
| | 1273 The Mexica were expelled. They fled without a battle. | The Mexicans sacrificed a woman
called Aventzin. | | 1253-1256 Nexticpac (a man sitting on a gray hill) (4 years, page 23B) |
| 1284-1313 The Mexica is settled in peace. (30 years, Folio 73r) | | | 1273
(?) They fled to Nextiquipaque by crossing a river. | A woman is standing, a naked person is lying (bath?) | 1257-1258 Iztacalco (place
of the salt house, of smoking “bricks”); Tetzitzillin (a man) is mentioned. (2 years, page 24A) | | 1288 (or 1294) Two smoking
grey buildings are shown, perhaps the vapor that accompanies the production of salt. | | | When
those 25 years elapsed they came to Istacalco, then to Mixuacan and later settled in Temazcal-titlan which signifies the suburb of the bath: the suburb of St. Peter and St. Paul | 1292-1295 Two grey
buildings: Te- mazcaltitlan? 1295 Tying of the years [It should be 1299.] | 1259 Temazcaltitlan (steam bath stones, built for women after child-birth); Tenochtitlan
is (?) mentioned. (1 year: One Reed, p. 24B)
| | 1314-1332 Tenoch-titlan’s foundation while they lived under Colhuacan’s supremacy. Its king Acamapictli the Elder [1325??-1336]
is shown as well. HOLD (19 years, Folio 73v) | | These intervals are listed from year 1 Flint [1064, Aztlan]: 58+40+25+37+40+50 that
yield 1314 for the foundation of Tenochtitlan; [1325] (2 House) is shown (Bierhorst 1992, 158-159) | Tatilulco (Tlatelolco) Coxcoçi [Coxcoxtzin, r. 1300-1324]
chief of Culuacan, looked favorably upon the Mexicans. [This is a misplaced remark.] | [without year] Ocelopan and two other chiefs are sitting in a group. | The text mentions a year 2 Flint, probably 1260. (no year, page 25B) | | 1333-1347
The Mexica burn the temple of Colhuacan in 1347. Its ruler is killed; the young Itzcoatl is shown, maybe born (15 years, Folio 74r) | 1333-1347 The Mexica burn Colhua-can’s temple (1347). Its ruler
is killed; the young Itzcoatl is shown, maybe born (15 years, Folio 29r) The dates 1385-1399 are incorrect. [From the battle of Chapultepec they were Colhuacan’s subjects for 100 years (“cien años”) as shown in the text,
reckoning from 1246.] | [early 1347: the Mexica burn the temple of Colhuacan] 1347-1377 The temple of Colhuacan is waste for thirty-one years (Bierhorst 1992, 73)
Queen Ilancueitl is sad, she sends new settlers to Colhuacan (Bierhorst 1992, 73) | Huitzilopochtli ordered them to seek a man of Culuacan in the morning, to sacrifice
him, and give him to the sun to eat. Thus, they sacrificed Chichilquautli to the sun on going out; and they named this place Quanmixtlitlan (later Tenochtitlan). [Solar eclipses were in 1301, 1303, 1311, 1313,
and 1318] | [without year] Tenochtitlan: Tenoch, Aca- çitli, ‘Water-mouth’ and Xomimitl are
sitting in a second group. | [1318-1325] (?) An eagle is sitting on a prickly pear cactus (no year, page 26A) | |
| | Queen Ilancueitl: she died in 1383 (Bierhorst 1992, 74) | 1318
Mexico Tenochtitlan got started, only a few straw huts | | 1364-1365 no event (2 years, page 26B) |
| | | | | |
1366-1370 no event (5 years, page 27A) | | | | | | | 1371-1375 no event (5 years, page 27B) |
| | | | |
| 1376 Acamapichtli starts in year 1 Flint; 1376-1385 (10 years, page 28) | | | | 1138-1350: after 212 years the Chalca of Xicco withdrew to Chalco (Bierhorst 1992, 72) 1350-1403 Acamapichtli was ruler and governor for 54 years (Bierhorst
1992, 134) 1383-1403 (or 1404) He was sole ruler for 21 years (Bierhorst 1992, 77-78 and | Illancueitl, the wife of Acamapichtli, died in the 24th year after Mexico’s foundation.
[This yields 1348/1349 that is only the date of her husband’s arrival.] Three years earlier [1347] the Mexicans made war upon the people of Culuacan and burnt their temple. [In the next year some solar phenomenon]
| | 1386-1395 Acamapichtli dies in one of these years (10 years, page 29) | | | | 1403 Acamapichtli died | 1348 July 27 [minor solar eclipse that makes the enemy’s
canoes arrive to the wrong town] | | 1396 Huitzilihuitl (II) begins his reign; 1396-1405 (10 years, page 30A) | | | | 1404-1413 Huitzilihuitl (II) ruled for ten years (Bierhorst 1992, 135)
| | | 1406-1415 WHAT IS THIS? | |
| | | | |
1416 Huitzilihuitl (II) dies in a year 2 Flint; 1416-1420 (5 years, page 32A) | | | | | |
| 1417 Accession of Chimalpopoca or ‘Smoking Shield’ (page 32A) | | | | 1414-1427 Chimalpopoca ruled for 13 years (Bierhorst 1992, 135) | |
| 1421-1425 (5 years, page 32B) | | | | | | | 1423: the eighth “pohual
xihuitl” begins (maybe 20-year intervals from 1283) (page 32B) | | | | Chimalpopoca was killed in year 1 Flint [1428] (Bierhorst 1992, 82) | | |
1424 Chimalpopoca dies: it seems wrong (page 32B) | | | |
| | | 1425 Itzcoatl or ‘Obsidian Snake’ begins [incorrect] (page 32B)
| | | | 1428-1439 Itzcoatzin ruled for 12 years (Bierhorst
1992, 135) | | | 1426-1430 (5 years, page 33A) [1428 Cuernavaca mentioned, maybe a battle
there] | | | | Chalchiuhtlatonac, a son of Tezozomoc II, married a daughter
of Coxcox from Tetz-coco. This comment is misplaced since it belongs to Tezozo-moc I, Chalchiuhtla-tonac [and Coxcox] around A.D. 1243 (Bierhorst 1992, 54 and 84) | | | 1437 Itzcoatl dies [this is incorrect] 1436-1440 (5 years, page 34A) | |
| | | | |
Moctezuma I begins 1438 (page 34A). [Even if at the very end of the year 11 Rabbit, in January 1439, it is wrong.] | | | | 1440-1469 Moteuczoma(tzin) Ilhuicamina ruled for 29 years (Bierhorst 1992, 112 and 136) | |
| 1441-1445 (5 years, page 34B); “Napohual xihuitl” or ninth 20- year period in 3 Reed = 1443 | |
| | | | |
1446-1450 (5 years, page 35A) Locusts in year 6 Rabbit [in 1446] | | | | | | | 1451-1455 (10 years, pages 35B and 36A) 1453 Hail or
snow destroys the crops; famine and weak men in 1454; New Fire in 1455: vultures eat human bodies. | | |
| | | | 1461-1465 (5 years, page 36B); 1463
“Macuilpohual xihuitl” (10th cycle of 20 years?); 1465 Chalco war | | | | 1469-1477 Ayaxacatzin ruled for nine years (Bierhorst 1992, 136) | | |
1466-1470 (5 years, page 37A) 1470 Maxtla war | | | | 1476 [February 13] Eclipse of the sun in year 10 Flint (Bierhorst 1992, 115) | | |
1473 War with Tlatilolco 1471-1475 (5 years, page 37B) | | | |
1477-1481 Tizoc ruled for five years (Bierhorst 1992, 116 and 137) | | | 1476-1480
(10 years, pp. 38A-B) Partial solar eclipse in 1479, in year 13 Reed [28 May 1481]. 1480 Tizoc begins | | | | 1481 [May 28]: Solar eclipse in year 2 House (Bierhorst 1992, 116) | | | 1486-1495 (10 years, pp. 39A-B) Ahuitzotzin rules In 1490 snow or hail. 1491: Locusts | |
| | 1481 [wrong]-1502 Ahuitzotzin ruled for over fourteen years (Bierhorst 1992, 118 and 137) | | |
1501-1519 (24 years, pp. 40-42) 1501: “Water Face” dies 1502: Moctezuma II begins his reign
1519: The arrival of Cortés in Mexico | | | |
1486 (year 7 Rabbit) Ahuitzotzin started (Bierhorst 1992, 117) 1490 Solar eclipse, stars became visible. [Incorrect] 1492 [April 26]: An eclipse of the sun (Bierhorst 1992, 118) 1493 Solar
eclipse, stars seen. [Wrong] 1496 [August 8]: An eclipse of the sun (Bierhorst 1992, 119) 1504 Solar eclipse on a day 12 Death. [No eclipse in 1504] (Bierhorst 1992, 120) 1508 [January 2]:
Solar eclipse in the year 2 Reed (Bierhorst 1992, 120) 1502-1520 Moteuczoma(tzin II) ruled for 18.5 years (Bierhorst 1992, 137) | | |
The map (and its chronology) of Siguenza; a version in French from the Internet.
Table of the proposed key dates and intercalations in the Aztec calendar (Also see http://www.onlineconversion.com/julian_date.htm) Aztec day
Modern date in Julian date Days Historical event Source/Note (noon to noon) Julian calendar (JD)
inserted Note: corrected,
before different from
reference Caso’s days
date --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-Vulture 31 August 1011 2090568
12 Solar eclipse at
about 10 a.m. 4-Movement 31 August 1011 2090568 12 Earthquake in the
Fifth Sun began or Earthquake
early afternoon (Ollin)
1-Water-mon- 19 April 1064 2109793 12 Eclipse in the
Aztecs left after ster (Cipactli)
early morning the solar eclipse 1-Rabbit 12/13 June 1518 2275670/1
1 Grijalva arrived at (Tochtli)
Coatzacoalcos on (15), p. 636
June 13 (a.m.) (18), p. 70-71 8-Wind
8 Nov. 1519 2276184 1 Cortés entered Chimalpahin,
Tenochtitlan (p.m.) Anales de Tlatelolco 7-Vulture 21 May 1520 2276379
0 Alvarado’s massacre 8-Vulture 30 June 1520 2276419
0 Night of Sorrow 1-Serpent 13 August 1521 2276828 0
Aztec surrender in (Coatl)
the late afternoon
(reference date) 12-Lizard 15/16 July 1553 2288487 0 [A Maya
year Diego da Landa (Cuetzpalin)
began] (18), p. 71 Sahagún recorded that the Aztecs and the Spaniard
had spent 195 days in peace, then [after the massacre by Alvarado] had been enemies for forty days till the “Night of Sorrow” (June 30/July 1, 1520). Authorities (18) try to place those 195 days between the ninth day of the month Quecholli
(Bird) and the twentieth of the month Toxcatl. However, Quecholli’s ninth day is an improper interpretation of the original data. The informants of Sahagún and Cristóbal del Castillo agree that the Spaniards entered the proper Tenochtitlan
– not its suburbs – on the eve of the tenth day of Quecholli. Modern authorities assume automatically that the eve of the tenth day fell on the ninth day. But then none of the sources should have mentioned the tenth day at all, only the
ninth day and its evening. Knowing that the true Mexican sun was visible from sunrise to noon, the eve of that day still belonged to the same Mexican day. The result of this open-minded approach is that the Aztec day 8-Wind lasted from noon of November
8 to noon of 9 November 1519. Experts claim 196 or 197 days between the ninth of Quecholli and the twentieth of Toxcatl. Our solution shows that the 195 days of Sahagún’s informants (18) were correct between the tenth
day of Quecholli and the nineteenth of Toxcatl, including a nameless intercalary day that is missing in Caso’s correlation. In the calendar of the Spaniards, exactly 195+40 days have passed from the evening of November 8, 1519 to the tragic evening-night
of June 30, 1520. Reconstructing the main events of the Conquest The Anonymus Authors of Tlatelolco (20) tell that on a day 8-Ehecatl/Wind (November 8,
1519, JD 2276184)the Spaniards of Cortés have entered Tenochtitlan. They entered Xoloco in the morning and in Tenochtitlan in the afternoon. This was the evening between the ninth and tenth days of the “month” Quecholli (21). In
our system, there was a nameless intercalary day inserted in January 1520. On day 7-Cozcacuauhtli/Vulture (May 21, 1520) Pedro de Alvarado’s massacre in the Templo Mayor began before midnight, ending the 195 friendly days
(21). On day 8-Cozcacuauhtli (June 30, 1520) the Night of Sorrow began before midnight (22), ending the 40 days of enmity. The Spaniards fled. The total of 235 days is correct between their entry and departure. An
important detail perhaps escaped attention, causing an error of a day in Alfonso Caso’s system for the years 1519-1521. Tenochtitlan’s last king capitulated in the afternoon or evening of August 13, 1521. In this solid and rigid frame the only
solution would make the equation work out: the insertion of a nameless intercalary day somewhere between November 8, 1519 and August 13, 1521. Old Coatepec or ‘Serpent Hill’ of the Mexica migration
The author feels that the Mexicans rowed up the Mississippi and Ohio rivers and there is little doubt in placing their first Coatepec (“Serpent Hill”) in the state of Ohio. The Great Serpent Mound satisfies all criteria. The Codex
Boturini (8), folios 5-6, date the 28 years of Aztec settlement there from 1065 to 1092. Some of the tribes spent shorter time there. The oval at the mouth of the serpent means something being swallowed, perhaps the sun during an eclipse. The
ceremonial kindling of the new fire in the oval during the Mexica’s ‘tying of the years’ must date to 1090-1 (1 Rabbit or 2 Reed). “New radiocarbon dates suggest that Serpent Mound, a one-quarter-mile-long earthen effigy of a
snake in south-central Ohio, was built as many as 2,000 years later than previously thought... Two samples of wood charcoal were obtained from undisturbed parts of Serpent Mound. Both yielded a date of ca. A.D.1070... The brightest appearance ever of Halley’s
Comet was recorded by Chinese astronomers in 1066. Could Serpent Mound have been a Native American response to such celestial events?” (29, 30). The writer is of the opinion that the effigy mound is a monument built for the honour
of Quetzalcoatl (‘Feathered Serpent’), god of the air, who reappeared in the form of Halley’s Comet for his Mexica nation in 1066. The Codex Telleriano-Remensis depicts several comets as celestial serpents so the two notions are
identifiable. The ‘Seven Caves’ still exist (31). Internet links offer intriguing details. One can even find a photograph showing the bent or crooked mountain (Colhuacan) next to (the second) Chicomoztoc
(‘Seven Caves.’) They are located near Bainbridge, Ohio. Six of the seven caves (on approximately one acre of land) have been set aside for wildlife restoration and fortunately these caves are not accessible to the public. Perhaps archaeologists
should consider excavations there in order to find datable Aztec articles, or at least charcoal. References and Notes - J. Bierhorst, Ed., The Codex Chimalpopoca (Tucson,
University of Arizona Press, 1992).
- M. Graulich, Revista Española de Antropología Americana Vol. 32, 87-114 (2002). Web. http://www.tula.gob.mx/CONGRESO/LinkedDocuments/Los_Reyes_de_Tollan.pdf
- A. Horan, D. S. Thomson, Eds., Mexico, Library of the Nations series (Alexandria, VA., Time-Life Books, 1986).
- R. S. McIvor, Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Vol. 94, No. 2, 56-60 (April 2000). Web. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/full/2000JRASC..94...56M
- E. Florescano, National narratives in Mexico: a history (Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 2006).
- M. D. Coe, America’s First Civilization (New York, American Heritage Publishing, 1968).
- D. Durán, D.
Heyden, Ed., The history of the Indies of New Spain (Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 1994).
- Wikipedia, Tira de le Peregrinación. [A.k.a. Codex Boturini, Without year.] Web. http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tira_de_la_Peregrinaci%C3%B3n
- H. Scsibrany, WinEclipse [downloadable software], 2005. Web. http://home.ccc.at/heinzscs/
- R. Voorburg, Aztec calendar converter. 2003. Web. http://www.azteccalendar.com
- E. Quiñones Keber, Codex Telleriano-Remensis: Ritual, Divination, and History in a Pictorial Aztec Manuscript (Austin, University of Texas Press, 1995).
- Wikipedia, Aztlán, without year. Web. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aztl%C3%A1n
- C. Burland, W. Forman, Feathered Serpent and Smoking Mirror: The Gods and Cultures of Ancient Mexico (London, Orbis Publishing, 1975).
- R. M. C. Lopes, The Volcano Adventure Guide (Cambridge University Press, 2005).
- H.
Phillips, Proceedings [of the] American Philosophical Society Vol. XXI, 616-651 (1883).
- M. León-Portilla, Los antiguos mexicanos a través de sus crónicas y cantares (Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Económica,
- Codex Borbonicus. Web. http://www.famsi.org/research/graz/borbonicus/img_page01.html
- A. Caso, Los calendarios prehispánicos (Mexico
City, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico, 1967).
- M. Graulich, Myths of Ancient Mexico (Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 1997).
- M. León-Portilla, The Broken Spears: The Aztec Account of the Conquest of
Mexico (Boston, Beacon Press, 1992).
- A. Anderson, C. E. Dibble, Trans., The war of Conquest: How It Was Waged Here in Mexico (Salt Lake City, University of Utah Press, 1978).
- B. Díaz del Castillo, The Discovery and
Conquest of Mexico 1517-1521 (New York, Farrar, Straus and Cudahy, 1956).
- R. Wright, Time among the Maya (London and Markham, Penguin Books, 1990).
- S. Perrot-Minnot, Semanario de Prensa Libre No. 85, 19 de Febrero,
- P. Johansson K., Arqueología,” Special edition #26, December 2007 (Mexico City, INAH – Editorial Raíces). Web. http://www.arqueomex.com/PDFs/S9N4cronoEsp26.pdfand
- A. L. Vollemaere, Chimalma, first lady of the Aztecan migration of 1064. (2000?) Web. http://www2.nau.edu/~gender-p/Papers/Vollemarapdf.pdf
- H. H. Bancroft, The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft: The Native Races (San Francisco, The History Company, Publishers, 1886).
- M. D. Therrell, D. W. Stahle, R. A. Soto, Aztec Drought and the ‘Curse of One Rabbit’ (American
Meteorological Society, 2004). Web.
http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/pdf/10.1175/BAMS-85-9-1263 - J. E.
Saraceni, Archaeology, Volume 49 Number 6, November/December 1996.
- D. Elwell, Mysterious World (Wheaton, Illinois, 1998-2003). Web.
- Arc of Appalachia Preserve System (2011). Web. http://arcofappalachia.org/visit/seven-caves.html and http://www.highlandssanctuary.org/Caves/Caves.htm
- We appreciate the assistance of several Canadian libraries, particularly in Red Deer College and RDPL, also the Arnprior Public Library in Ontario, all of them within the nationwide interlibrary loan system.
Figure 1. A detail of the map of Cortés (Nuremberg, 1524). It depicts the shoreline of the Gulf of Mexico. “La Florida” is shown at the right, above the western half of Cuba.
Figures 2A (David Hall)and 2B (Johnath). A heron called “Snowy Egret” from Florida. (From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snowy_Egret, http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Egretta_thula)
The Fifth Sun, with ancient Mexican history and astronomy (published in the Arts and Humanities Open Access Journal, December 2018)
Figure 1 The representation of the Four Ages of the Toltecs. The second and
fourth ages are shown at the bottom, ending with the solar eclipse of 30
March 1131 CE when the Aztecs sacrificed the local population of Tollan, the
modern Tula. A small old lady gave banners to the ones to be sacrificed. From
This illustration was taken from the book of Prescott about the Aztecs (page 85 of the Barcelona edition). He must have misunderstood a multicolour drawing in the book of Alexander von Humboldt. The four fragments seem to be damaged pages of a version of the Codex Vaticanus 3738. The latter is colorful but four alleged bas-reliefs would have lost their colours after 8 centuries. The pineapple-like circles represent 52 years each while the small circles mean years. These are not the four seasons but the four ages of the Toltecs in Zoltan A. Simon's interpretation.
Volume 2 Issue 6 - 2018 Zoltan Andrew Simon Geologist and land surveyor with diplomas, Canadian Hungarian
amateur scholar, Canada Correspondence: Zoltan Andrew Simon, Geologist and land surveyor with diplomas, Canadian Hungarian amateur scholar, 72 Best Crescent, Red Deer, AB, Canada, Email: zasimon@hotmail.com
Received: September 15, 2018 | Published: December
18, 2018 Abstract
This paper offers a brief preliminary new interpretation of early Mexican history, embracing the absolute chronology of the Aztecs before the Spanish Conquest (1519-21). Its full text could clarify some enigmas
of their calendar, with particular emphasis on the question of intercalation, by additional key dates that were recorded in both the Mexican and the Julian calendars. The previous "ages" of both the Aztecs and the Toltecs have been examined: the two lines
of traditions and the corresponding intervals differ from each other, indicating different ancestral lands and/or migrations. The author (69), is a Canadian Hungarian. He is an independent amateur scholar, originally a geologist and land surveyor with diplomas.
He is proposing exact dates for the last two of the five Mexican suns or ages, based on the Legend of the Suns and other records. The beginning of the Fifth Sun
is anchored to the year 1011 C.E by a total solar eclipse visible from Aztlan. By the help of several Mexican codices, an unbroken chronology could be offered from the birth of the First Sun on 6 August 1240 BCE till the end of the last world age of the Toltecs
when all of the Toltec-Chichimec population of Tollan (Tula in the Mexican state of Hidalgo) was massacred during a major eclipse of the sun by the Aztecs. It seems that the sun needed as much blood as possible, perhaps in order to keep its reddish colour
and stay alive by the help of human sacrifice. As for the former date, referring to the total eclipse of the sun, the Toltecs may have inherited
it from an earlier – maybe Olmec tribe – living in that region. The name of Olmec or Ulmec nation may have referred to people making rubber, including rubber balls. Ule means rubber in Spanish. For
the first time in the history of human sciences, the ancient homeland of a nation can be located by its annals and astronomical traditions. In this case the Fifth Sun places the ancestral land of the Aztecs in
the Bahamas region near Florida – agreeing with some Mexican beliefs. Astronomy and radiocarbon dating place the firstdecades of their migration to the south of the Great Lakes. Thus, in the author’s
humble opinion, the Mexica crossed over to Florida from the east, then migrated to the north. They lived at Serpent Hill or Serpent Mound (Cohuatepec or Cohuatepetl) in Ohio, then migrated westwards, apparently the region of the Great Salt Lake. Finally, they migrated southwards, to Central Mexico. In a possible sequel of this paper the author, or other expert
historians, could re-interpret certain Mexican codices with almost two cycles of 52 years missing or lost. The Codex Chimalpopoca seems to be the most reliable source for a correct and continuous chronology of the Mexica.1 Toltec chronology The Toltec
Relaciones of Ixtlilxochitl (1578-1650) can be combined with the Codex Chimalpopoca that correctly placed Tula’s destruction and the dispersal of the Toltecs in 1064 C.E, a year 1-Flint. Here we do not have the space to discuss the further astronomical
proofs – three solar eclipses in Mexico – that could form another study about the Toltec "ages." The sequence of his ages reflects the arrangement in the Codex Vaticanus A, contradicting the Stone of the Sun. He based his work on a Toltec chronology, not on Aztec traditions. The five suns: early Aztec-Nahuatl
eclipse records The Annals of Cuauhtitlan in Bierhorst1 shows the earliest candidate for the Fifth Sun, "They say the sun that
exists today was born in 13 Reed [751], and it was then that light came, and it dawned. Movement Sun, which exists today, has the day sign 4 Movement, and this sun is the fifth that there is." Graulich2 confirms that the year 13-Reed refers to the birth of the present sun for the Mexica, reminding us that the Fourth Sun more or less
coincided with the epoch of the Toltecs. Others including Horan3 wrote of the Stone of the Sun, "...the beginning of the present world – given
as 1011 A.D." According to McIvor4 "... the Aztec calendar stone, in addition to all its other layers of fascinating information, seems to be a permanent record of an independent observation of an
unusual star that was recorded by the Chinese in 1011 ce..." Florescano5 claims that 1011 was the year of the birth of the Fifth Sun but he does not explain where and why. Maybe it was his intelligent guess and he was right. A possible explanation for the discrepancy of dates and versions
of the Legend of the Suns between the two major groups of traditions (i.e., Toltec and Aztec) is that the "creation" of "the sun that exist today" is datable to a few centuries earlier in Central Mexico than in Aztlan
(an a flooded island somewhere to the north of Mexico). Aztlan’s inhabitants must have observed a newly created sun – its
rebirth after a total solar eclipse – that had not been noticed in Mexico. The different versions of the "Legend of the Suns" are the consequences of the very different locations of the ancient observers. (We cannot mix apples and oranges. Talking about
the ages or suns, the Aztec records cannot be mingled or combined with those of the Toltecs). The Aztec ruler Motecuhzoma II was in Spanish captivity for several months, with the opportunity to consult a map of Cortés (later published
in 1524). It shows many place-names along the Bay of Mexico, including "Florida".3,6 He may have been able to
match and identify the maps of his empire with those of the Spaniards. A 16th century record of Durán7 claims that the Aztecs originated from Aztlan, an island near Florida. Maybe Durán’s source was a Spaniard that had witnessed Motecuhzoma’s identification of Aztlan with the region of Florida.The latest suggested year for the Fifth Sun is the year 1427 that
may have been the year when the commemorative Stone of the Sun was carved. It does not refer to the eclipse of 1426 about the death of King Chimalpopoca. The "Piedra del Sol" was a monument of thanksgiving for the Fifth Sun. The year-glyph 13-Reed stands out.
It may have been carved in 1479 or 1427 but the 13-Reed refers to a cataclysm on an anniversary. The date of its carving seems unimportant or irrelevant. We may assume that seven xiuhmolpillis, or 52-year bundles have passed between the birth of the Fifth
Sun and the carving of this majestic commemorative stone. The "Piedra del Sol" or the "Stone of the Sun(s)" is not a calendar stone at all. Rather, it is
a monument celebrating the five ages of ancient Mexican history. Prescott8,9 wrote a captioning under one of his illustrations, "Representation of the seasons by the Aztecs, on bas-relief." See Figure
1. Maybe he has borrowed the drawing from Alexander von Humboldt’s book that showed the same four scenes or ages, not "seasons." The original of the four separate drawings may have been an old and damaged version of the Codex Vaticanus 3738 on paper.
Without doubt, the four drawings are identical. But Humboldt reproduced colorful drawings in his book (that one cannot find on the Internet now). It is unlikely that he has seen a bas-relief painted in vivid colours. Two millennia would have eroded most of the paint from a sculptured bas-relief. As for the Fifth Sun, "the golden
mean in all things" is the best approach between the extreme suggestions, 751 and 1427 CE. A search yields no reasonable candidate for a near total solar eclipse in central Mexico in the proper year but there are excellent candidates to the north. The ancestors
of the Mexicans lived in two regions simultaneously: one of the groups in central Mexico, while another group somewhere to the north. A significant geographical separation provided almost totally different key events for their "ages." Earthquakes,
volcanic eruptions, floods, famine, plagues, climatic irregularities, and hurricanes would not affect far-away regions equally. The famous Stone of the Sun in Mexico City and
the Coronation Stone of Motecuhzoma II (or Moctezuma II) both display these carved two glyphs (13-Reed and 4-Movement) together. They cannot be separated. Traditions add that this double event – the earthquake and the eclipse – marked the beginning
of the Fifth Sun. Aztec tradition located Aztlan near Florida.7 The Spanish texts have blancura and garzas (‘whiteness’
and ‘herons’). White herons exist only in Florida, nowhere else in North America. According to Coe6 Sahagún
told a Toltec tradition allowing that their Huehue-Tlapallan (old Tlapallan) may have been the same place as the island of Aztlan. The Mayas remembered an ancient land in the east where long ago different races lived together in peace.
Having a preliminary geographic and chronological frame, one can find all the possible dates when major solar eclipses have taken place in North and Central America. We must beware of the possibility that the sequence of the five suns or ages may not have been established correctly everywhere. Their
sequence in Bierhorst1 – that matches the two carved records showing the "4 Movement" sign in a year "13
Reed" – and their durations fit well as follow: i. 4-Water 676 years; ii. 4-Jaguar 676 years; iii. 4-Wind 364 years; iv. 4-Rain, ending in a year 1-Flint,
for 312 years; and Water for 52 years. The "312 years" is probably a rounded figure for six "bundles" or xiuhmolpillis or New Fire-binding celebrations, tying the 52 years. At the first glance, it would be logical to identify the
end of the fourth age with the year 1-Flint, 1064 when the Mexica left Aztlan, as shown in the Codex Boturini (Wikipedia, Tira de le Peregrinación). See Figure 2. A search for eclipses yields a total eclipse of 12
March 750 in Aztlan near Florida, around the traditional 751 CE. At West End, Aztlan’s nearest point to Florida, the eclipse was total from 17:32:24 to 17:35:19 (local time). The fourth age of the Aztecs appears to be fixed from 750 to 1064 CE, an interval of "about 312" years. This age included the inundation lasting for 52 years. The readers can check
the calculation of any eclipse by WinEclipse.10 Its variable Delta-T or clock-time error is the required longitudinal shift of the eclipse paths, caused by the
gradual deceleration of the Earth’s rotation mainly due to tidal friction. The present author used improved Delta-T figures in his research, multiplying the values of Scsibrany by a factor of 0.98115. The above interval ended when
fiery/dirty rain fell from the sky. After a search of thirty-five years, the present author – originally geologist and land surveyor – kept seeking geological explanations for the cataclysmic events recorded
by the Mexicans related to Aztlan. The main difficulty was how to anchor the beginning of the Fifth Sun. Some Mexican traditions remembered only three previous suns. This meant a possibility that the "latecomer" Aztecs must have witnessed the "creation" of a sun in Aztlan that the other earlier settlers already living in Mexico have missed because
they could not see it. They tribes of the Mexica may have agreed that Aztlan (a.k.a. Tlillan-Tlapallan) had been located somewhere in the north or northeast, on an island with seven towns, sitting in a lake or rather a sea. (We could not find there a lake with an island large enough to support a large population consisting of eight tribes. For instance, the Great Salt Lake has no fish. The wildlife of its Antelope Island could not have
lasted for centuries, etc.) Tlillan-Tlapallan meant the place of the red and black [ink of the scribes, symbolizing knowledge], let alone the white herons now. The search took a better turn by using the WinEclipse program.10 looking for a major solar eclipse outside Mexico in America. (The Codex Boturini does not give us a possibility that eight tribes could have arrived to North or Central America from another
continent.) There was a real annular-total eclipse of the sun on April 19, 1064C.E. around Florida. Its magnitude at West End in Grand Bahama (26- 31-43 N, -78-41-48 W) was 87.91% at 6:18:20. The Aztec calendar converter of Voorburg11 shows that its year was 13-Reed but with a day-sign 3-Dog. However, eleven days later comes a magic day, the important 1-Cipactli (Water-monster). The latter was the first day of their calendar. We will demonstrate below that it actually meant a shift of twelve days, because the Aztecs began their days at noon. Please refer to a folio in the Codex Telleriano-Remensis.12
[Citation: Simon ZA. The fifth sun,
with ancient Mexican history and astronomy. Art Human Open Acc J. 2018;2(6):374‒380. DOI: 10.15406/ahoaj.2018.02.00083]
Figure 2 (A) The Mexicans cross over from the flooded Grand Bahama Island to Florida in 1064 C.E;
(B) These Mexicans arrive from the south to the (Great) Serpent Hill in Ohio in 1065 C.E. (The following folio shows that they
lived there for 28 years, in the “Jaws of the Serpent.”) From Wikipedia: Tira de la Peregrinación or Codex Boturini.
(C) The overhanging, bent cliffs of old Colhuacan near (the second?); Chicomoztoc, apparently in Ohio State, near
the Great Serpent Mound. From a web page that used to exist; (D) A sketchy Aztec map depicting Chicomoztoc [apparently the Seven Caves in Ohio, located near Bainbridge]. The first or “old” Colhuacan or “bent mountain” is shown near the seven caves, so it was not in Central Mexico. From Wikipedia, Chicomoztoc, originally from Historia Tolteca-Chichimeca.
About the day of the great eclipse of the sun in 1064, the Mexica began their long migration from Aztlan in the same year, a year 1-Flint.13 The native Chimalpahin’s Nahuatl chronicle14 agrees on it. According to the legend,15 the southward migration began on May 24,
1064 C.E. Tezcatlipoca was already present at the end of the Fourth Sun as a helper. Like Prometheus, he advised a couple to hollow out a big cypress, and when it was the month Tozoztli [April] and the skies come falling down, get inside that boat. (The falling
down of the sky may have been the result of a catastrophe predicted for April.) The text of Bierhorst in The Codex Chimalpopoca1 continues, "Then Titlacahuan, Tezcatlipoca, came down and scolded them." The word "he" reveals that Titlacahuan was actually Tezcatlipoca, still alive at the "creation"
of the Fifth Sun. He is a chronological anchor, a younger contemporary of Quetzalcoatl. The latter hero was old when Tezcatlipoca, "Smoked Mirror", showed him his wrinkles in a mirror. Our eclipse took place on April 19 that is consistent with the Aztec month
Tozoz(ton)tli mentioned in the previous paragraph. However, this is only one eclipse. The "Legend of the Suns" in Bierhorst1 (1992) remembers two calamities, fifty-two years apart. After a flood the water lasted for 52 years. During the
first catastrophe even the mountains disappeared within one day, because the sky fell down. But the Aztec world "tepec" or "tepetl" could
mean both mountains and hills. Aztlan could have been quite a flat country if large areas
of it were inundated by tectonic movements or earthquakes. We must find events important enough both for a starting point and an endpoint of a cycle that contained 52 years. The last eclipse took place on April 19, 1064 when an Aztec "god" expected a recurring cataclysm in the Mexican month corresponding to April. (Previously, the land apparently suffered
a volcanic eruption, burning and sinking about the time of a total solar eclipse.) People could still see a sinking mountain or hill. The Mexican legend means that those hills sank below the sea level and became invisible. It is unlikely that experts would find sunken mountains in any North American lake. Placing those in the sea is not so unreasonable.
But why did the water last for fifty-two years? Did all that water evaporate on a single day at the end of that period? Does the legend imply that those mountains rose again before the departure of the Mexica?
No, it does not. The legend is silent about that. It breaks off. The best explanation is that the Aztecs said goodbye to that ancient
homeland at the end of those 52 years. They had enough of the unexpected calamities, the flooded country, the missing mountains, and the disappearing suns. They must have longed for a better country where life was less complicated. Folio 32 of the Códice Ríos has an illustration depicting the glyph "Movement" or "Earthquake" with the symbol of "night" or "star." A photograph of a Mexican statue of Tonatiuh [the Sun] depicts the glyph of 4-Earthquake (Movement)
on his back, with the same glyph of the night (or star?) in the centre, and four smokes or flames on its side. See Burland and Forman, Feathered Serpent and Smoking Mirror.16 These can be indications that the Sun became so dark on a day 4-Earthquake that a star was seen, or, it became night. It probably refers to an actual earthquake, or
earthquakes, too. The four flames may represent four visible solar flares. The great Stone of the Sun(s) – incorrectly called the
Aztec calendar stone – and the Coronation Stone of Moctezuma II (probably 1403 CE) show the same five ages or suns of the Mexica, commonly called Aztecs. Of course, the Coronation Stone adds the day of Moctezuma’s (Motecuhzoma II’s) accession to the throne. It shows a "star" or "night" symbol in the middle of the 4-Movement glyph that
is missing in the Piedra del Sol. Rather than a single star visible during a partial eclipse, it wants to express that there was a night during that day. See Figure 3. There is reliable historical information.17,18 About the 1064 CE eruption of Sunset Crater, north of Flagstaff. It may
have sent a cloud of hot ash to Florida. The Aztec tradition seems correct because a Norse saga in 1064 mentioned a similar phenomenon from around the southern cape of Greenland. A few days later the sailors met their
king and reported him the terrible omen, a rain of blood. Now, if tiny particles originated from
the burning forests of North America reached Greenland in large quantities, some tephra may have reached the Bahamas region, too. The deified Ce Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl flourished in the tenth century. According to the Codex Ríos
3 (14v), he prophesied that the word would be destroyed on a day 4-Earthquake. In our system he ruled from 987 to 999 then he departed from Tula. A stela of Xochicalco already shows Quetzalcoatl with a 4-Ollin (Movement or Earthquake) day symbol over his head.
See Figure 4. The stela was carved in Olmec style so it could be dated before the year 1011 CE. It is possible that Quetzalcoatl was able to predict a total eclipses of the sun looming and expected to be seen on a day 4-Movement. He may have lived a few more
years in Aztlan after his arrival in 999 CE there, and could have participated in "restoring" the solar disk to life after the eclipse of 1011 CE. The Mexicans
did not know that the world was round. Otherwise, how could the culture-hero Quetzalcoatl have disappeared in the west and reappeared in the east in the person of Cortés? The Aztecs believed that the real sun was unable to go underneath the earth from the western to the eastern horizon. Then, how could a human Quetzalcoatl
have performed that miraculous trick? The Mexicans have never claimed that he had circumnavigated South America. He had departed towards
the east, so – luckily for the Spaniards – they expected his reappearance from the east. All evidence indicates that Aztlan was located somewhere to the northeast. We should check our anchor, the year 1064, for the beginning of the Aztec migration.
The best way is to examine if there was another major eclipse of the sun near Florida 52 years earlier, in a year 13-Reed, or not. To our total satisfaction, there is a perfect candidate: a total eclipse of the sun almost exactly 52 years earlier in the same region of Florida-Aztlan. It occurred in the morning of August 31, A.D. 1011, in a year 13-Reed (Acatl). The
Stone of the Sun refers to this event. It was total for 4 minutes and 27 seconds at West End, ending after 11 a.m. This fits all requirements mentioned above. The mentioning of dawn at the birth of the Fifth Sun may be an ancient recollection that the last sun was born in the morning. Figure 5 shows a map with the totality zone of the eclipse and
its details. Opinions are divided about the question of the ancient Mexicans’ intercalations. A theory claims that they have not used any leap years or intercalation at all. Others accept the possibility of intercalary days, but have different opinions
about the frequency of intercalations and the number of days inserted. León-Portilla, Los antiguos mexicanos a través de sus crónicas y cantares.19,20 cites Sahagún that once in every fourth year they applied
six, not five, days of nemontemi (useless days), to correct their calendar by something similar what we call bissextile in the leap years.
Sahagún believed that the extra day had coincided with the bissextile day when they pierced the ears of the infant boys and girls. Thus, although Professor Coe seems to be correct about the lack of intercalary days in the Mexican calendars after the
Spanish Conquest, such intercalations may have taken place a few times before 1520. If there were a few nameless intercalary days in our system for a few
decades before the arrival of Cortés, it would mean that Caso’s day-signs should be shifted back in time ("up") by several days. Also, the Aztec tradition may have attributed more importance to the terrible earthquake(s) on a certain day than
dating the eclipse. Thus, the glyph 4-Movement would refer to the date of the earthquake, not the eclipse. (In our proposed system – due to the possible twelve nameless intercalary days before the spring of 1520 – an upward shift of twelve days
is required for dates prior to 1476.) Major or total eclipses of the sun are often associated with earthquakes. The Mexican codices frequently mention, "In this year the sun eclipsed and an earthquake took place." The crust of our planet is sensitive. Eclipses
– and even certain planetary conjunctions – often increase the tectonic pressures along fault lines and trigger earthquakes. The total eclipse of 1011 CE may have been the culprit causing the "disappearance" of some mountains or hills.
The region of the Bahamas is still gradually sinking and the sea level is rising. These do not exclude the possibility of more abrupt changes in the
remote past. For example, the Tongue of the Ocean is clearly a rift valley of tectonic origin. It is quite impossible to date exactly its sinking. The submerged caves of the Bahamas with stalactites and stalagmites now under sea level prove that the islands
once have been in much higher position, for those formations cannot grow underwater. They may have something to do with the origin of the first Chicomoztoc ("chicome+oztoc", where chicome means five plus two, or "Seven Caves") tradition. The writer saw a scientific program
on the TV – probably on Discovery Channel – stating a Lucayan (Bahaman) tradition: they claimed that mankind had originated from the blue holes of the Bahamas. We
highly recommend you the books of the late Rob Palmer, a diver expert. We must start thinking in Aztec calendrical terms and shall summarize our fix points that we have got so far. The tricky part is that
the Aztecs began their days at noon, according to Folio 48v of the Codex Telleriano-Remensis. See Quiñones Keber, Codex Telleriano-Remensis: Ritual, Divination, and History in a Pictorial Aztec Manuscript.21 There is further evidence amongst some Mexican nations for a day count from midday to midday. Please refer to Caso, Los calendarios prehispánicos.22 The Aztecs thought, "The sun in its course is only a true sun in the morning; in the afternoon it becomes a false sun, a reflection of the true sun".
See Graulich,23 Myths of Ancient Mexico (1997). An important detail perhaps escaped attention, causing
an error of a day in Alfonso Caso’s system for the years 1519-1521. Tenochtitlan’s last king capitulated in the afternoon or evening of August 13, 1521. We have a solid and rigid calendrical frame – that could be published one day as a separate
book – in
which this information does not fit in except applying the only solution: the insertion of a nameless intercalary day somewhere between November 8, 1519 and August 13, 1521. In
our proposed new correlation we tentatively inserted a nameless intercalary day at the beginning (January or February) of the following years: 1476, 1480, 1484, 1488, 1492, 1496, 1500, 1504, 1508, 1512, 1516, and 1520, a total of 12 intercalary days. Caso,
Los calendarios prehispánicos22 states that modern calculation shows a Mexican solar eclipse on "December
1o" in 1480. His Spanish text, "el día 1o. de diciembre," actually means the abbreviation of "primero" or "1st" but many readers would render it "the tenth." Probably this happened with the fist edition of the manuscript of Díaz.24 He may have written "1o. de Julio" for the "Night of Sorrow" or "Noche Triste", meaning the small hours of July 1, but the editor or the printer
has apparently changed his date to "July 10" by mistake, not anticipating its serious consequences. Bierhorst, The Codex Chimalpopoca1 referred to an eclipse in the year 10-Flint (1476). In our opinion, it must have taken place in the afternoon of February 13, 1477 (JD 2260576). This indicated that the correlation was imperfect there although Caso tried to defend his
system following the criticism of Boland Weitzel regarding this discrepancy. The correct Aztec chronology based on their codices Professor Vollemaere, Chimalma, first lady of the Aztecan migration of
1064. (c. 2000) accepts 1064 for the beginning of the "Mexica" migrations, as suggested by Chimalpahin, Gama, Veytia and Gallatin. One may also refer to Bancroft, The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft:
The Native Races.25 Leon y Gama, Descripcion histórica y cronológica de las dos piedras26 accepts the key date of 1064 CE for their departure from Aztlan. Professor Johansson, La fundación de México-Tenochtitlan,27 suggests that the Mexica left Aztlan in 1168 and the city’s foundation took place in 1364. Our system gives 1064 CE for
their departure from Aztlan, placing Tenochtitlan’s foundation between 1318 and 1325. Chimalpahin Cuauhtlehuanitzin’s works support the year 1064 for the beginning of the migration. A
paper indicates that the dates of Chimalpahin and the Codex Chimalpopoca are generally very reliable. See Therrell, Stahle, and Soto, Aztec Drought and the
‘Curse of One Rabbit’.28 The Codex Chimalpopoca claims that the Mexitin (Mexica) set out from Aztlan in 1090 or in 1 Flint (1064) but "all the Colhuaque went their own way" [from Aztlan] as early as 1064 CE. In the Codex Boturini one of the eight tribes separated from the
others in 1064, or shortly afterwards. Old Coatepec-Coatepetl was probably considered as part of Aztlan’s region. Huitzilihuitzin I lost a battle at Chapoltepec in 1240 but his nation was victorious in 1243. See Bierhorst, The Codex Chimalpopoca.1 The Tira de le Peregrinación (Codex
Boturini) (in Wikipedia) depicted this Aztec victory with the bag full of severed ears of the Xochimilcans. A codex tells in Spanish handwriting that the Aztecs had no war for 100 years, apparently between 1247 and 1347. The description of these events with
detailed arguments, or the long reign of Acamapichtli (1347-1403) would require several additional pages, if not a whole book. It involves a complicated reconstruction of the missing decades by collating the Codex Telleriano-Remensis with the Codex Vaticanus
3738. The writer is of the opinion that the effigy mound called the Great Serpent
Mound is a monument built for the honour of Quetzalcoatl (‘Feathered Serpent’), god of the air, who reappeared in the form of Halley’s Comet for his Mexica nation in 1066 CE. The appearance of the same comet is associated with the birth or
youth of Huitzilopochtli as well. See Graulich, Myths of Ancient Mexico (1997: 18) and Figure
6. The Codex Telleriano-Remensis depicts several comets as celestial serpents so the two notions are identifiable. Graulich (1997: 18) shows a drawing from the Codex Azcatitlan depicting a smoking star or comet observed during three Mexican "months." Each of those months had twenty days. Thus, the ancestors of the Mexicans have apparently seen Halley’s
Comet for sixty days. This is comparable to the record of the fragmentary Frankish History that relates, "At thesame time a comet appeared, for nearly three
months, sending out many rays to the south…" In China, the comet was first seen in the constellation
Pegasus on April 2, 1066 CE. Other observers wrote that "it shone until nearly the beginning of June" in 1066 CE.
Figure 6 The young Huitzilopochtli at Cohuatepec (Great Serpent Mound).
The smoking star (xiuhcoatl or “fire serpent”) going down seems to record the
disappearance of Halley’s Comet that the Mexica have seen for sixty days. The
black-and white “lifesaver” glyphs represent a 20-day month each. The four
small dots in the circles between the may mean four-day festivals between
the months. The banner at the word oncatemoc (?) may refer to the month
Panquetzaliztli. From Graulich, Myths of Ancient Mexico, 1997: 18, taken from
the Codex Azcatitlan. Although Halley’s Comet “officially” appeared in April
1066 CE, it may have been seen at its reappearance during the battle near
Hastings on 14 October 1066. The Bayeux Tapestry depicted Halley’s Comet
after King Harold’s coronation, though the appearance of the comet occurred
later, allegedly from 24 April to 1 May 1066. Both the Tapestry and the “Banner
Raising” month of Codex Azcatitlan, plate 6, could be correct if the comet was
visible again from October 14 to November 30 in the year 1066 CE. (The
correlation of Rafael Tena places the 20-day month last from November 30
to December 19. From Wikipedia: Panquetzaliztli. Thus, another possibility is
that Huitzilopochtli was born after the sighting of Halley’s Comet, at the turn
of November/December in 1066 CE.) We can find beautiful photographs, sculpture and illustrations under “xiuhcoatl” on the Internet.