The Discovery of America (Canada) by the Norsemen
These two pages has been published again in 1996, in a book of Z.A. Simon. Mrs. Szilva nee Rabl (1895-1994), shortly before her death, received a thank you letter for her work from the Hon. Derek T. Fraser, then Canada's Ambassador to Hungary.
The decipherment of Tyrkir's inscription on the "Yarmouth Stone" (Nova Scotia) by Mrs. Szilva, nee Maria Rabl (1895-1994) has been published in the Encyclopaedia Hungarica. The volumes of the latter were published in Calgary during the 1980's. The decipherment can be read, in Hungarian, under several entries. The beautiful, thick volumes were edited by dozens of outstanding scholars. (Unfortunately, no other modern experts are available in North America that are familiar with the ancient Hungarian runic script.) These five pages were taken from Z.A. Simon's book entitled "Atlantis: the Seven Seals" (Vancouver, 1984). The first honorary copy of the book was sent to President Ronald Reagan who liked the book, according to the letter of his secretary. ********************************************************************************************************************************************
(A very old sample text for the ancient Hungarian runic writing please refer to the Lord's Prayer from a Hamburg manuscript, under our tab about the Hungarian dialects and history.)
Letter of the Honourable Derek. R. T. Fraser, Ambassador of Canada to Hungary, sent to Mrs. Szilva - decipherer of the Yarmouth runic script - on April 7, 1992. (Both the rock inscription and this letter were written in Hungarian.)